Inside the plant of the Premiere Diamond Mine. I had an excorted tour of the whole facility. The building shown here is the one that processes the newly mined materials that contain the few diamonds found.

A photo of the replica display of the famous "Cullinan diamond" after it was found and the replicas of the cut stones that were yielded from it. This display was part of those in the mine's museum. |

Here is an arial view of the whole facility. The big hole in the rear has over the years been the source of about 20 tons (that is "tons") of diamonds. |

Hyenas blocking the road, but they did finally move on letting me pass. This was at the start of the northern entrance to Krueger National Park. I drove the Golf from the northernmost entry of the park to th main entrance in the south. That was a lonely long drive. Saw lots of animals, but never another human.

Various groups of monkeys or apes, or whatever, were always full of mischief. Here they are frollicing on the road, also at rthe northern end of Krueger National Park. I just had to await their departure. This part of the raod was a dirt bypass off the main road heading east. It rejoined the main road that was paved as it headed south. |

Giraffes shown eating from the high bushes along the main road as I was driving south through the Krueger Nationa Park from the northern area of Venda. |

A giraffe taking its time crossing the road. The rules require drivers to give way to those animals crossing and give them plenty of room to cross. |

Here is a zebra calmly grazing along side the road. I could not help but notice that my car did not phase them or scare them one bit. |

Elephants also, of course have the right of way, and no doubt I would never challenge one. This elephant did not charge me as I got close, as those in the other parks of Botswana and Namibia did. |

It seems that the most populated animals seen are the Wildebeasts or Water Buffalos. And they always seem to be grazing or drinking water.

Here is the small, but yet quite large round cabin that I rented for the night inside Krueger National Park. I was alone, but it was capable of having up to 6 person sleeping quite well. Just to the right of the building is my Golf vehicle. |

One of the many hyenas that roamed around, usually in packs. They were extremely friendly to me as I got quite close without being snarled at.

One of the many great water falls in the Graskop area. At this time it was only mildly running. When there is a lot of rain and snow melting, it can be quite large and noisy. |

Typical of the thousands of small homes ditting the landscape, these are in the small nation of Zwaziland. They all look well kept up and roomy.

These next few photos are from the Hluhluwe Game Reserve. Not sure which, but this one is either a White Rhino or Black Rhino, while the other photo below is the opposite. I met at least five of each in this reserve. |

More water buffalo at their best, feeding. But, they had to look up for their photo to be taken.

More either white or black Rhino. |

Here are more rhinos at their watering hole in the Hluhluwe Game Reserve.

I have not idea why I took a photo of this plant at the time. It does look like some sort of poppy bulbs. But they are all over the Reserve. |
| Now, let's continue with the second Karibu 15 Day Safari from Kimberley, RSA, into and around (now called) Namibia.
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Created by that great traveler, 20 July 2001
Updated 22 June 2002, 17 January 2006
by Lester Gideon