Much of Botswana is barren land. But there are small communities here and there as you drive around. Typical of the housing are these round mud and grass roofed buildings. |

Swimming in the Okavanga Delta. Crocodiles, you bet, but not here and not today. Phew! |

Ant hills? You bet. Here is one of the large ones that we came across. |

On an island in the Delta, we had our tents all set up. Siesta time, of course, from about 12 noon after lunch until about 3 pm. |

Transportation to our island site on the Okavanga Delta was by these dugouts. Not bad, either, and smooth sailing. |

Just had to have my photo taken at one of the signs by the entrance to the park. |

Here I am standing in front of the super large vehicle used for this safari. It could and did go everywhere.

Sign at the entrance to the Chobe National Park. This is the one that really had the animals. |

Driving along the Zambesi River we came across the large herd of elephants. We gave them thr right of way.

One of my best photos of an elephant. He was just standing there eating away, not paying attention to us. |

Zebras, zebras everywhere. Thousands all over southern Africa. And, mixed in with the Wildabeast herds, they make a moving photo.

We really lucked out finding this pride of lions. There were several females with their offspring. They didn't pay much attention to us, and mosied on their way stopping every so often to lie down. We followed them for at least a mile. |

The only leopard we saw on this trip was sitting in a tree with its game catch. It yawned a couple of times and moved to another branch.

Cruising in style on the Zambezi River. Saw lots of rhinos and elephants in the river. |

From our small plane flying over the Victoria Falls. Amazing sight. Flat land forever, and then this one gully making up the falls about a mile long. Its river then does flow off on an easterly course to the Indian Ocean.

Information plaque concerning the Victoria Falls

Looking down at the water rushing over the falls.

I crossed the border to Zambia to get this photo right next to the falls. That is water behind me.
Standing on the Zimbabwe side directly across from the falls. The mist was really heavy, and before I left I was soaked to the gills. It was beautiful sunshing and warm weather, but the mist came down like rain. |

During both safaris, this is typical of the tents and camping layout.
| So, let's continue with about 3 weeks of driving all over southern Africa.
Just click on the arrow
Created by that great traveler, 20 July 2001
Updated 22 June 2002, 17 January 2006
by Lester Gideon