Earliest known photo of Lester Peter Gideon, Jr. 1928, less than 1 year old. Holding him is father Lester Peter Gideon Sr. Mother Edythe (Lynch) Gideon, and brother John Edward Gideon, aged 8. Photo taken in San Pedro, California, 1020 W. 19th St.
Lester, 1929, San Pedro, Calif.
Leland Street School, San Pedro, California, June 21,
1934, B-1 Class. Lester is shown under the "X".
Lester, 1934, 6 years, San Pedro, California, 1020B -
24th St.
Closeup from photo on left showing Lester Peter Gideon
under "X".
Lester, age 7, 1935, at Long Beach, California, Apartment entrance of Grandmother Nellie (Gillbride) Lynch.
One of only 2 photos ever taken of all five Gideon's at the same time. This one was in 1935, at 1040 West Vernon Ave, Los Angeles, Calif. Lester Peter, Sr. was 46, Edythe, was 46, Beatrice Evelyn (Gideon), [Martin] Steensland, was 23, John Edward was 16 and little Lester Peter, Jr. was but 8.
Lester, 9 yrs, June 1937 at 857 W 53 St, Los Angeles, Calif. Wearing cross on back after hit by car, in May. Suffered broken front tooth and broken left collar bone.
Lester, 11 Yrs old, 1939, on trip with father and mother from Los Angeles to Seattle, Washington
Lester was a War Service Sub carrier for the Post Office from the age of just 16 to going into the Navy just after his 18th birthday. He worked at Station "G', Los Angeles. He was then living at 4202 Dalton Ave, Los Angeles, and attending Manual Arts High School.
Seattle, Washington, summer 1939, at the home of Edward and Mable Lynch (brother of Edythe). Lester Sr, and Lester Jr, with Edythe (Lynch) Gideon. Looking on from the porch is Lillian Lynch, daughter of Ed and Mabel.
Updated 15 January 2006 by that great
Lester Peter Gideon