Lester Peter Gideon Family Photos, 1916 - 1952

Black & White, Photo Page 5

1943 plus two of Edythe Gideon in her 'guides' uniform 1947 and 1952

1943 Beatrice Evelyn (Gideon) (Monnette) Martin, in Phoenix, Arizona, (1913 - 1984)

1943, left Lester Peter, Jr, and John Edward GIDEON, in Wilmington, California

Now here is a big bunch from the left, Lester Peter, Jr, John Edward, Edythe (Lynch), Lester Peter, Sr., Rae (Lynch) MacArthur and her friend and later husband, Edd (?). 1943, Wilmington, California.

1943, our mother and dad, Lester Peter Sr, and Edythe (Lynch) Gideon, Wilmington, California

1943, Lester Peter Jr, Edythe (Lynch) and John Edward GIDEON, Wilmington, California

1943, Yup, me, my dad and my mum

Our Aunt Rae (mother's sister) and later husband Edd

1947, our mom in her uniform at Angelus Temple, Los Angeles, where she was guide for something like 15 years.

1952, photo taken for the Church's records. Our mom in her uniform at Angelus Temple.

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Created 13 September 2002
Upgraded 15 January 2006
by Lester Peter Gideon